London has become inundated with a growing number of abandoned buildings.
In October 2019, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government stated that in London there were 648,114.
Of these abandoned houses, 225,845 are classed as properties that have been long-term empty properties.
Our client was a young man living in East London, an area well known for having many abandoned buildings that are frequented by young people.
On the occasion of this arrest, our client went to an abandoned building that all local young people reportedly frequent and regularly hang out in.
Our client instructed our solicitor who met him at Wood Green police station after his arrest.
Our client instructed us that he did go into the abandoned building but was simply there to smoke a cigarette with the friend who brought him there.
When our client was on his way out of the building after smoking a cigarette, he was met by the police who arrested him for burglary.
After receiving instruction from our client, our expert serious crime solicitor gave him advice to assist his representation at this police station stage.
Our criminal defence solicitor advised him of the problems that can arise when no comment interviews are given at this point in an investigation.
Thanks to the expert advice and representation given to this young man by our criminal defence solicitor at the police station stage, our client received a decision of “no further action” against him.