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When TFL sent our client a Single Justice Procedure Notice, she was facing losing her job.

Our client, Miss E, approached Stuart Miller Solicitors when she was sent a Single Justice Procedure Notice (SJPN) by Transport for London (TFL) for fare evasion.

On a very busy morning, Miss E instructed us she was running late and rushing to her NHS role. In the process, she picked up the wrong oyster card and used it on her commute.

Miss E was intercepted by a ticket inspector on her route who discovered that Miss E was travelling under the wrong fare. It was at this time too, that Miss E realised her mistake.

Stuart Miller Solicitors caseworker Savannah Loizides worked with our client Miss E to draft and send representations to TFL and the Court that demonstrated her admittance of her guilt.

A spokesperson for the case said:

“I drafted the response with a guilty plea with extensive mitigation as to why she should avoid being summoned to court and ultimately avoid facing a conviction.”

These mitigating circumstances that our caseworker put forward on our client’s behalf included the fact that our client had never been accused or charged with an offence before and could not afford to hold a criminal record.

As a result of our caseworker’s dedication and case management, Miss E has now been fined in accordance with the magistrates’ decision.

Throughout the course of her case, our client did not have to appear in court and avoided a conviction on her record.

Have you or someone you love been charged with fare evasion by TFL? Receiving a Single Justice Procedure Notice can be an incredibly stressful and scary time for anyone accused.

Contact us now to settle your charge of fare evasion out of court and avoid a conviction on your criminal record!


Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.