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  • Defended over 50,000 Cases

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  • 40 Years of Criminal Law Expertise

Our client was wrongfully arrested and accused of possession with intent to supply class B drugs, as her partner was involved in the same case. Thanks to a determined, eagle eyed defence team, our lawyers pointed out that our client was unaware of her partner’s involvement and had no participation in the offence whatsoever. Faced with the facts, the prosecution had no choice but to drop all charges, freeing our client from all false charges.

Mrs. S was a hardworking, married woman who enjoyed a quiet life. Unknown to her, her partner would  consume class B drugs, mostly cannabis. However, her partner would only use it for personal use, and was not involved in distributing class B drugs. However, when the police arrested Mr. Z, her partner’s dealer, her partner’s phone number was discovered, and Mrs. S was unwittingly roped into a large-scale arrest, and slapped with charges of possession with intent to supply class B drugs and possessing criminal property. Shocked at the allegations, she immediately contacted us.  

Our drugs solicitors immediately confronted the case, determined to uncover the objective truth. After meticulously analysing the evidence submitted by the prosecution, combing through our client’s financial statements, medical records, and character references, our criminal defence solicitors were able to objectively prove that our client was wholly innocent.  

Before the trial even began, our criminal defence solicitors submitted the evidence they gathered to the prosecution and the judge, objectively proving that our client was an innocent woman who was swept up in the arrests, and was fully unaware of her partner’s actions. Furthermore, the cash found at their house was hers which she earned through her employment – and had submitted pay slips and financial statements to prove it. Faced with the facts, the prosecution realised the severity of the false allegations, and immediately withdrew all charges, freeing our client.  

Simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time can often result in a false arrest, a lengthy investigation, and an unfair trial. If you or someone you know is in a similar situation, please don’t hesitate to contact us now. We’re here to help defend your rights and protect your interests.  

Afraid you can’t cover legal costs? Don’t be – we work with Legal Aid. Call us today for a free no-obligation consultation, we’re available 24/7. 


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