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  • 40 Years of Criminal Law Expertise

Our client, Mr. R was falsely accused of dangerous driving after the police found DNA evidence on the airbag on the driver’s seat, at the scene of the crash. Our diligent defence team later proved that our client was not the driver but was the passenger, and the force of the crash pushed him from the backseat to the driver’s seat where he hit the airbag, resulting in his DNA at the scene. Faced with the facts, the prosecution realised their error and dropped all charges.

  1. Mr. R had spent the afternoon with his partner before meeting a friend in London. That evening, he asked for a ride home as he did not have a license. Mr. R, along with 2 of his friends and a third mutual friend, drove in the car for over an hour to spend time with each other. After a short stop to stretch their legs, the driver began to drive erratically, evaded the police, and crashed the car. Mr. R was thrown to the front seat because of the crash, and the driver had quickly fled the scene. Dazed and confused by the crash, Mr. R crawled out of the car and managed to walk away. His shock was palpable when he was arrested a few days later, as the police found his DNA on the driver’s seat airbag and arrested him for dangerous driving Fearful for his future, he immediately contacted us to represent him, and to share his story. Our defence lawyers immediately sprang to action, determined to uncover the truth and prove our client’s innocence from the dangerous driving charges. After carefully analysing all evidence submitted by the prosecution, our defence solicitors conducted their own thorough legal investigation. By gathering witness statements, character references, CCTV footage, and dashcam footage from the police vehicle, our defence lawyers were able to prove our client’s story.  DNA evidence within the vehicle showed that our client was sitting in the back seat, and was sitting towards the middle. The forensic DNA present on the airbag was because our client was thrown forward from the force of the crash, and hit the airbag. Furthermore, witness statements that claimed that a white man was driving the car were patently wrong, as the driver was not white. Our client had little knowledge of who the driver was, as he was the friend of a friend.  Before the trial even began, our criminl defence lawyers submitted overwhelming evidence that pointed to our client’s innocence. Faced with the facts, the prosecution immediately dropped all charges and offeredno evidence, realising that continuing this case to trial would be a waste of the court’s time and resources. Thanks to a diligent investigation, and strategic legal tactics, our client was cleared of all wrongful dangerous driving charges Despite being a victim of a dangerous driver, our client risked a wrongful arrest, before the truth was revealed. Simply being present at the scene of an accident can result in a false allegation, and a false conviction if you don’t protect yourself. If you or someone you know is in a similar situation, please don’t hesitate to contact us now. We’re here to help defend your rights and protect your interests.  Afraid you can’t cover legal costs? Don’t be – we work with Legal Aid. Call us today for a free no-obligation consultation, we’re available 24/7. 


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