There is now a massive variety of Steroids for sale in the UK. Most commonly manufactured overseas, Steroids vary in qualities and compositions and are usually sold at Gyms, under controlled and monitored circumstances.
Athletes and bodybuilders, in their quest for enhancing strength and muscle volume, are routinely relying on the use of Anabolic Steroids. To this extent, under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, Steroids are lawful for personal use and lawful to Import for personal use.
Some known and well-established Steroids are listed in the Schedule to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and other steroids may have been newly manufactured and not listed in the updates to the Schedule. Most common Steroids are prohibited for Supply and categorised as a Class C Drug, like Cannabis.
In recent years, however, with the advancement of trials and tests on dieting and physique transformations, bodybuilders and athletes also use Amphetamines to raise metabolic rates and burn fat. Amphetamines are usually listed as a Class B Drug and deemed more serious than Anabolic Steroids.
To help you to understand what the outcome might be as a result of being convicted of conspiracy to supply steroids, we’ve detailed the sentencing guidelines below. Please note that a competent and experienced solicitor may be able to get any prison sentence reduced or even avoid it entirely.
Read more information about the offence of Conspiracy to supply steroids
More about a conspiracy to supply steroids in the UK
With more people turning to anabolic steroids to improve their looks, the market for them is lucrative and growing. In the UK, middle-aged men who don’t take part in bodybuilding are now one of the biggest buyers of the drugs. In fact, they are so popular now that one recent report said that over 1 million people took them in 2018.
There was recently a case where a 65-year-old man from Southall was involved in smuggling anabolic steroids into the UK. The Indian national who had migrated to the UK was convicted during a six week trial at the Old Bailey, with arranging dozens of shipments without proper licensing from a Dane owned pharmaceutical factory operating in India. The economic valuation of the operation was £40 million and 40 tonnes of this class C drug were imported to the UK. The man was sentenced alongside the owner of the factory and a UK based distributor.
If you or somebody close to you has been charged or arrested in connection to a conspiracy to supply steroids case, it’s very likely that you will be feeling stressed out and anxious about what might happen next.
You may not even have had any involvement, but for some reason, you’re being accused of playing a role. It’s vital that you get your name cleared and any confusion cleared up.
Finding yourself in this position can be very worrying. It’s understandable to be frightened about losing your job, your income and potentially your spouse/family.
Here are some examples of conspiracy to supply steroids that may have led to the situation at hand.
Making a plan with another about where you can supply steroids – for instance, you may have discussed being able to use your gym as a ‘shop front.’
Offering steroids to a third party – for example, talking with a friend about how you can supply steroids to a third party, even if no cash or other financial payment is involved. You don’t even need to have carried out the plan to be found guilty of conspiracy.
Driving a car to collect a shipment of steroids – an example of this might be driving a vehicle to collect steroids. Although driving the car in itself is not illegal, it is when you have the purpose of collecting steroids for distribution.
There are many other examples. If you are keen to know more about whether a crime that you’ve been linked to is classified as a conspiracy to supply steroids or another class C drug, call us on 0208 888 5225 or contact us for further information.
When it comes to getting sentenced for conspiracy to supply steroids, if you’re found guilty then you may get a fine of up to £5000 and six months in prison. A maximum of an unlimited fine and up to 14 years imprisonment is issued for the most severe cases. You may also receive a restraint order to prevent you from accessing your assets.
When sentencing for conspiracy to supply steroids, your case will be investigated thoroughly by the police and other regulatory agents.
It will be looked at for whether you have taken part in a group activity or to see if you were forced into it. If you’ve used a false identity, or you have used the identity of others to access more funds, this will be considered to decide your sentence.
Prosecutors will also look at whether it’s best to charge you with conspiracy or whether it’s better to charge you with substantive offences. An experienced drugs lawyer will be able to support you no matter what you’re charged with in regards to drugs.
Certain aspects of a case are known as the mitigating aspects which can influence the sentence that a judge gives. One of the factors judges consider in every case of this nature is the defendant’s level of genuine remorse.
The following are some of the other factors considered when the court decides which sentence to give. They will look at:
The following is an extract taken from the Sentencing Guidelines, which are used by judges to decide on penalties.
One or more of these characteristics may demonstrate the offender’s role. These lists are not exhaustive.
In recent years, a number of changes have been made to the sentencing system in the UK to save the court time and cost and to protect witnesses from the stress of needlessly going through a trial. For offenders aged 18 and over, pleading guilty early on in a case can reduce a sentence by as much as one third (maximum). The later the plea is entered, the smaller the reduction.
If the accused does not want to plead guilty, then it’s important for the solicitor to regularly inform the court throughout the trial of the reasons why the client’s plea is not guilty.
Ancillary Orders
A court can also make ancillary orders on a defendant if they are found guilty and convicted of a conspiracy to supply steroids offence. These are extra elements of punishment that can be added to a sentence and include additional restrictions or requirements that can affect a dependent’s finances, your property or business or financial activity.
Ancillary orders that are typically added to the penalty for those who are found to be guilty of conspiracy to supply steroids include:
As part of your investigation, you may also have your assets frozen with the possibility of having cash or other assets seized.
In addition, the court may demand payment of the following if the accused is convicted:
Payment of costs applied for by the prosecutors
Although the police meet some of the costs involved in the prosecution, the costs of investigation are typically sought from the convicted. These may include the costs of:
Victims surcharges
The term victims’ surcharges can be explained as paying compensation to a fund for victims and can range between £20 to £170 depending on what sentence you were given at conviction.
There are several national databases that hold information about individuals and any allegations made about them, their criminal and court records. These include the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) which was previously known as the CRB (Criminal Record Bureau) and the Police National Computer (PNC). Depending on what happened, whether the accused is convicted and what sentence was issued, the accused may be added to one or all these databases. Their purpose is to provide information to potential employers and to regulate the ability to take part in certain activities.
If your case progresses to court and you are convicted of conspiracy to supply steroids, your conviction will be noted on your CRB / police record. The period of the endorsement will depend on the nature and length of your sentence.
Below are details on how long you will be listed as holding a criminal record if convicted. This is something very serious to consider when it comes to future employment. The term ‘spent’ refers to when your name can be removed from the databases.
Rehabilitation Period (the time it takes for the sentence to become ‘spent’) |
Sentence | Adult (aged 18+) at time of conviction | Young person (aged under 18) at time of conviction |
Prison sentences of more than 4 years | Sentence is never spent | Sentence is never spent |
Prison sentences of more than 2.5 years (30 months) but less than 4 years | Sentence length 7 years | Sentence length 3.5 years |
Prison sentences of more than 6 months but less than 2.5 years (30 months) | Sentence length +4 years | Sentence length +2 years |
Prison sentences of less than 6 months | Sentence length + 2 years | Sentence length +18 months |
Conditional Discharge | Length of order | Length of order |
Absolute Discharge | None | None |
Conditional Caution | 3 months | 3 months |
Simple Caution / Youth Caution | None – immediately ‘spent’ | None – immediately ‘spent’ |
Other Including Compensation Order, Supervision Order, Bind Over, Hospital Order | Length of the order / once compensation is paid | Length of the order / once compensation is paid |
Our Criminal Solicitors are knowledgeable in defending those accused of Conspiracy to Supply Steroids and Conspiracy to Import Steroids. We will identify each type of Steroid, Amphetamine and Growth Hormone for analysis by experts. We will ensure the prosecution’s allegations are sound in law and if they are not, we will apply for the case or the Charges to be dismissed.
We will contest the fanciful value the prosecutors will attach to the steroids and engage Drugs Analysts who specialise specifically in the analysis of Steroids. We can very easily obtain street value and wholesale values and present to the Court the difference in the sums. The further value differentiation between original Growth Hormone refrigerated and supplied in the UK, compared to the Jintropin which is supplied from China and mostly fake, must be raised with the Court to reduce the impact of any Orders.
Our Criminal Solicitors have over 30 years’ experience in defending Drug Offences. We have acquired a reputation for ‘leaving no stone unturned’ in the defence of our clients. The laws concerning Conspiracy to Supply Steroids and Conspiracy to Import Steroids commercially is a complex area of drugs law.
Risk to cash & assets
Where the financial gain is suspected to be significant, the prosecution may seek to apply for a Restraint Order and freeze your assets or those of your loved ones. This can be done under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and can be done even before you are charged with an offence.
Our Criminal Solicitors have the expertise to challenge these Orders. We can advise you immediately if the Orders are not made lawfully and where necessary, we will not shy away from applying for the discharge of the Order and for the return of valuable assets which may have been seized during searches.
We have vast experience analysing the prosecution evidence, whether observational or documentary. Together with you and some of the most talented Barristers or QC’s in the UK, we will devise the best defence strategy in your case and try to secure the best possible outcome for you.
If you wish to discuss your Conspiracy to Supply Steroids Allegation or Conspiracy to Import Steroids Allegation with an expert Criminal Solicitor, we will offer you a free consultation so you have a chance to get to know us and assess our suitability to defend you. We will listen to your side of the story and give you guidance on what will happen, what you need to do and what you can expect.
Please Contact Us and ask to speak to our Criminal Solicitors to arrange a meeting in person, online or by telephone. If you prefer, you can WhatsApp us from the link you will find at the bottom banner if you open this page on your mobile phone device.
If you are arrested or asked to attend the police station, it’s imperative that you take a legal professional with you for your own protection. The primary goal of the police will be to secure a conviction.
The police are trained in a variety of techniques to create situations where the accused can accidentally incriminate themselves. When this happens, the prosecutors use this in court as evidence against them.
The benefit of engaging a competent and effective solicitor for your conspiracy to supply steroids case is that they will guide you on what to say and what not to say. They will also demand to see any further evidence that the police have that they have yet to declare.
Under no circumstances must you attend a police interview or take part in any police communication without taking the guidance of a lawyer.
If you’d like to have a no-obligation chat with us before you instruct us to take your case, then call us today.
In addition to giving you a free consultation, we can also represent you at the police station if you’ve been arrested. We can look at securing your legal aid.
Please Contact Us and ask to speak to our conspiracy to supply steroids lawyer or our drug offences solicitors to arrange a meeting in person, online or by telephone. If you prefer, you can WhatsApp us from the link you will find at the bottom banner if you open this page on your mobile phone device.
Get in touch with us now for conspiracy to supply steroids legal help.